The Knower

by Charles Munn

Meeting in some nebulous place
The moment sings into a tomorrow time.
While we sense the texture of the future
You cast a tender notion toward my palette
As a rocketeer might feel about a sailing ship.
Yet when you picture soaring
My false self rages

"Of course I have done it!," and as innocence falls
I feel my innards lift
And tumble through timeless circles
While the moment dances into the now.

The perceived you melts soft around the edges.
You smile your secrets and a knowing
As you vanish into the
And I leap and fall to earth.

Yet, I have soared before.
I haven't forgotten how.
The difference is
I spend but moments as energy and you
Spend but moments as form.

Would that I could paint you,
But how to paint pure light
With illusions of earth mud,
On the maybes of earth rag?

The stars may be our father
Yet Gaia is our mother
And she is still my palette.
I can't soar too high or too long
Before she calls me home.

You have become the pallet of the cosmos
And the singularity of creation
Painting wholeness
With your fearless Innocence
Like a brilliant comet
Flashing through our lives.

When will you dance through me again?
Singing of things I but fleetingly see
As I soar as high as Mother will allow
Seeking, seeking,
Always seeking

To spin with you
In oneness
Which can only be forever me
Whenever I choose to want it to be.
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