Nominate New Venue for Tacoma WA
Vote On Where To Meet Up
Read and Take Heart
If you have never registered pleased go to Declare Yourself
Welcome to all Clark supporters, particularly from any political party who live in Washington State .
Washington state primary popular vote does not count. Washington selects the Presidential Candidate only via your precinct caucus on Feb 7, 2004. Delegates will be chosen at your precinct caucus. Each delegate will vote for 175 Washington voters.
Therefore every Clark supporter must know her or his individual precinct number, and where their caucus is held. Of course the object is to be at your precinct caucus on Feb 7th 2004 and with as many Clark supporters as you can find. If we do nothing else but insure that every Clark supporter knows the importance of the Feb 7 2004 Caucus and do everything in our power to get everyone to attend, then we will have done our parts until that point.
Please continue to scroll down.
Click on Winning Washington For Wes to learm more.
Make sure your address and registration are current. If you are a registered Republican you must register as a Democrat or as having no party affiliation in order to become a Clark delegate. To make that change go to Register Now.
In Washington State a voter can be registered as having no party affiliation and still participate in a Democratic caucus or vote in the Democratic primaries.
For do it yourself magnetic signs, decals for T shirts, and bumper stickers go to Print Your Own Clark Stuff or to Buy Clark stuff such as yard signs and place them in strategic locations. Place the items on tables at Universities, Tribal councels and community centers. Sign up those willing to attend our Feb 7th 2004 precinct caucuses.
Clark Meet Up Transcript
Please scroll down to the bottom of the page and enjoy the links to many other grass roots Wesley Clark web sites and articles
The Demographics of Clarkism
An Interesting Idea
Official Guide To Being A Good Republican. The Talking Points
Cheny, Trapped In A Web Of His Own Lies
Waiting For A Special Prosecutor In The Plame Leak Investigation
Independents For Clark
Interesting comments at calpundit
Official Blog, Generally Speaking
Let's dig deep
Meet The General
General Clark's 100 Year Vision
Women For Clark
Blacks For Clark
Hispanics For Clark
Michael Moore to General Wesley Clark
Republicans For Clark
Col Hackworth's View of General Wesley Clark
Do we want to rob our children?
Book Review, Caught Napping, Why America Slept
Melt Down